- Day started 9:30am.
- Laptop played up, so used library computer.
- Completed first draft of Negotiated Practice programme for this year.
- Day ended 1:45pm.
Tuesday 4th October 2011
- Day started 9:30am
- From research over holiday, started rearranging layout of pages in my book so far. Pages 1 - 4.
- Tutorial with Steve Perkins at 3:20pm. Consider number of pages. Write Dialogue.
Mark Crilley, I have to admit is the core of my research. His books and video tutorials have inspired me a lot!
During the holiday, I read his Manga series ‘Miki Falls’ and I got some ideas on how my book could be laid. I especially like the idea of having the title in the inside appear later in the book, after the prologue. It’s like how many modern films and dramas on TV start, where the title doesn’t come in first thing. They also gave me an idea on how each page would look better.
Mark uploaded a video over the holiday showing a rough guide on how to lay out a page in a comic and that made it more clear to me on how my Graphic Novel should look.
Now, I personally don’t like redrawing things, but this has helped me understand where to place speech bubbles in order to understand the story. In my case, I actually did find Mark Crilley’s stories easier to understand as when I read Manga books such as Peppermint, where I struggled to understand which bubble to read next and the story was breaking up. But Mark Crilley’s flowed very easily. Plus it was funny!
- Signed up for a toturial on the technical side of my project with Boris next Tuesday.
- Day ended 3:45pm.
Thursday 6th October 2011
- Day started 9:30pm.
- Continued rearranging layout. Pages 5 - 9.
- Day ended 3:45pm.
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