- Over weekend received an email from scchool Art teacher, Mrs. Jones for dates of initial metting. Told her we can meet up on 15th Novemember.
- Day started 9:30am.
- Prepared for group crit for next day.
- Trimmed and stapled pages of my Graphic Movel so far, which I printed out over the weekend. Did the same for the script.
Had a bit of a problem with trimming and stapling my draft Graphic Novel as I realised that the prints werent exactly in the middle of the page, making it hard to distinguish where to cut. But we managed to solve the problem, by just rimming off the stapled side.
- Edited my Professional Practice Programme by adding the notes from last week.
- Started drawing the Teleport Machine front front using the advice from Mark Crilley regarding perspective.
- Day ended 4pm.
Tuesday 8th November 2011
- Day started 10am.
- Jo Newman held my group crit.
- Felt quite confident about todays group crit. Had Jo Goodchild (L5 part 2), Claire and Luka (L6 full time). However when group crit started I didnt like the way it was held!
- Me and Jo looked at Claire and Luka's work, while Claire and Luka looked at mine and Jo's.
Quite interesting work though it was all abstract to me and I find it a little bit difficult to understand unless I know the concept.
Claire’s work was little bit more clear though as I felt with the pictures hung on washing line with writing to go with it told a story about each individual in the picture. But it also felt like it was an interactive piece of work as maybe the pictures and writing could be moved around.
Luka’s work was definitely complicated! The only thing that came to mind was that she was trying to show that even the seasons Autumn and Winter have something pretty about them, as well as Spring and Summer. I was questioned though why they there was manmade objects (wadding and pompoms) and natural objects (autumn leaves) been put together? For me, at least that question was easy to answer. If snow is the beauty of Winter, how will it ever last inside a building, as well as a product of someone’s work? I believe the wadding was simply used to represent snow.
Anyway, enough backing Luka up, as she and Claire say it was hard to understand my work! And the stupid question “What’s the connection between the Comic and Script?” kept playing in my head as I could not believe they didn’t bother reading! Hello! Comics are still for reading, you know!!!
I did take a couple of advice, which was to try and make my bad guys more fierce and add more 3D. What the girls didn’t take into consideration that there’s a limit to what I can do!
Anyway, like they say, they are just ideas and it is up to me whether I want to take them on board or not.
Jo’s work was the most interesting. For one thing it was an animation and I can understand that! I just wanted to see the whole set. I liked the fact that the hands of spoons can be manipulated and I did play around with them haha!
- After lunch re-drew the 'one off bad guy from 'Vi-acklings from Vi-ackle' prologue. This time left it with rough pencil line, emphasizing the roughness of character.
- Finished drawing front view of Teleport Machine.
- Started drawing the back of Teleport Machine.
- Day finished 4pm.
Thursday 10th November 2011
- Also drew the house of Vaux and Hal on the street, using the pictures of the hobbit houses as reference.
Day ended at 4pm.
- Day started 9:30am.
- Dedicated whole day to draw other angles of the Teleport Machine, using same technique from Mark Crilley.
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